Tarot, Pendulum, Charm & Bone Readings

We offer in person or virtual packages on every reading except the ones listed as virtual only

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Come to us in Plano, TX for a tarot card, pendulum, Charm or Bone reading

Wish you could catch a glimpse of your future? Are you searching for clarity and direction in your life right now? Uncoven A Witch Shop offers tarot, pendulum, charm and bone readings to help you gain insight into your pressing questions. For just $1 per question, we'll give you a pendulum reading to steer you in the right direction.

Visit us today in Plano, TX for a pendulum reading.

Learn About Our Tarot Readings

We also provide several in-person tarot card reading packages. The following readings are allowed 3 questions. Additional questions will be charged $3 per question.

  • General reading ($30): This reading will give you advice from the Universe in general.
  • Ancestor reading ($40): This reading will ask for advice from your ancestral line. You may or may not know who answers and we are not requesting a specific ancestor to respond.
  • Divine elemental reading ($30): This reading gives guidance from the divine elemental beings.
  • Shadow work reading ($30): This reading gives you a road map as to what you need to work on to reach your goals/ highest and best self.
  • Deity ID reading ($30): This reading will seek to identify any deity maybe looking to work with you.

All readings below are stacked readings using more than one deck. These readings do not answer specific questions but instead offer guidance based off the type of reading it is.

  • Topsy Turvy Reading ($40): This reading offers an as above so below kind of reading that will guide you on what you see on the surface and what needs to be done on your shadow level.
  • Nitty Gritty Reading ($40): This reading is a blunt pull no punches message from the universe. These decks are not nice and use foul language.
  • Past Life with Ancestral Guidance ($45): This reading will identify a life and give ancestral guidance on any lessons that you should have learned and need to apply to this life.

The readings below are 3 card pulls that will answer 1 question or give basic advice.

  • Rebel Deck Reading ($20): This reading is a punch in the face from the Universe. The deck is not nice and uses foul language.
  • Spirit Animal Reading ($20): Identifies the spirit animal with the first card and delivers a message from that animal in the last two cards.
  • The Mermaid's Mirror Reading ($20): This shows you the past, present, and future of a situation.
  • Witch's Familiar Message Reading ($20): This reading delivers a message from a familiar (could be past, present, or future familiar; the first card will give the species).
  • Triple Goddess Reading ($20): This reading will tell you who you've been, who you are, and who you need to be.

The readings below are not done in person but pulled and the results emailed as they are extensive and predictive in nature. These readings take me 2 hours or more to do, and the results often need to be referred to over time.

  • Chakra Point Energy Scan ($50): This scan will show which chakras are blocked and give you a map as to what needs to be done to clear and align them.
  • Witch's Circle Reading ($60): This reading pulls advice from 10 different witches from your ancestral line. Each witch will give advice on specific parts of your life.
  • Weekly Predictive Reading ($50): This predicts what's coming in the week ahead. (21 card minimum)
  • Monthly Predictive Reading ($75): Predicts what's coming in the month ahead. (30 card minimum)
  • Yearly Predictive Reading ($100): Predicts what's coming in the year ahead. (60 card minimum)

The readings below use tools other than cards to offer general guidance.

  • Witch's Runes ($30): Uses 13 sigils to provide guidance.
  • Charm Reading ($30): Uses a collection of casted charms to provide guidance.
  • Pendulum Reading ($1 per question): Uses a pendulum to gain yes or no answers.
  • Bone Reading ($40): Uses bones and other items to receive guidance from the ancestors, deities, and other entities.

Reach out to us today to learn more about our tarot card readings.

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